You can lower the cost of your commute to work by paying for monthly parking and transit expenses with tax-free dollars, which saves an average of 30%.

How it works

It’s easy and flexible.


Enroll on the HealthEquity website. Click New Users – Register Here then Commuter Enrollment. You can manage your account, check balances, and file claims online.


Decide the amount you want to contribute, and the money will be deducted from your paycheck, before taxes are taken out.

How much

You can elect to make pre-tax contributions up to the monthly IRS limit of $315 for transit and $315 for parking.


Sign up or make changes by the 10th of each month for your new deduction to occur at the end of that month, for use beginning the 1st of the following month.

What are qualified commuting and parking expenses?

Qualified commuter expenses include fees for van pool, bus, train, subway, and ferry rides that take you from your residence to your place of employment. Uber Pool and Lyft Line also qualify.

Parking fees qualify if they are on or near a location from which you commute to work. It does not include parking on or near property used by you for residential purposes.