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Digital Benefits Guide

Parental Benefits

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Last updated date: 1/17/2025

To support your family, Endeavor offers benefits that allow you the flexibility to spend time with your new child without the stress of lost pay.

Parental Leave

For All Employees

If you’ve worked for the Company for a minimum of 12 months, you are eligible for paid parental leave when a child is born or adopted into your family, regardless of your gender and whether you are the birth parent. Endeavor offers you up to 12 consecutive weeks of paid parental leave per 12-month period. Employees who give birth to a child are eligible for additional paid leave for pregnancy-related disability, depending on their eligibility for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA):

  • FMLA-eligible employees receive up to six additional weeks (total of up to 18 weeks)
  • Non-FMLA-eligible employees receive up to two weeks paid and the rest of their leave unpaid as required by state/federal mandates (total of up to 14 weeks)

If you wish, you may choose to begin your paid parental leave before the anticipated due date or anticipated arrival date of your child. Paid parental leave may not be combined with any other paid time off unless otherwise required by law.

All parental leave must be taken within the first 12 months following the birth or adoption of a child. Paid parental leave will be offset by state mandated benefits (not in addition).

Requesting parental leave

Notify your supervisor and HR at in writing of your anticipated departure date and expected date of return as soon as possible, generally at least two months prior to your leave.

ADA Accommodations

In addition to providing paid parental leave, Endeavor offers various accommodations as part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you are having difficulties performing your job due to a disability, you may qualify for a reasonable accommodation to help you. An accommodation may consist of:

  • Additional time off due to ongoing medical care needed after your 12 weeks of FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) job-protected leave has ended.
  • Modified job arrangements.
  • Worksite accommodations, such as a standup desk.

To request an ADA accommodation, contact New York Life, who will review your request and determine the appropriate course of action. New York Life will assign you a Vocational Coach and suggest potential accommodations for Endeavor to evaluate and approve.

Your Vocational Coach will guide you through the ADA process, which starts when you contact New York Life at (888) 842-4462 (for Spanish-speaking needs, call (866) 562-8421). Provide your name, Social Security number, and date of birth and explain that you are seeking options for how your physical impairment can be accommodated to perform your essential job duties.

Maternity Support

Aetna medical plan members have access to the free Aetna Enhanced Maternity Support Program. The program features 24/7 access to nurses and maternity experts by phone, educational materials for every stage of pregnancy and newborn care, preterm support for high-risk pregnancies, and more!

When you enroll, you’ll also have access to:

  • A personal nurse if you have health conditions that may affect your pregnancy
  • Phone-based genetic counseling and screening and confidential, cost-effective genetic testing
  • Information and resources to help you make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and reduce risks for early labor
  • Breastfeeding, postpartum, and baby care tips, including guidance on coping with postpartum depression
  • And much more

Get Started

Don’t wait! Enroll early and receive a reward for enrolling before your 16th week of pregnancy.

There are three convenient ways to enroll:

Milk Stork

Your growing family is important to us. That’s why Endeavor supports working parents through Milk Stork, a free breast milk delivery service for Endeavor employees who are breastfeeding while traveling for work. Breastfeeding parents can request Milk Stork Kits — pharmaceutical-grade shipping coolers that provide everything needed to pump, pack and ship milk home to their babies.

Visit the Milk Stork Employee Portal at to sign up. Orders may be placed by creating an account using your company email address.

Take note!

  • If you’re traveling in the U.S., you can overnight* your milk to your home using FedEx, or carry it home with you** using Milk Stork’s totes.

* FedEx Priority Overnight’s shipping capabilities allow for next-day delivery to most destinations.

**Whether carried on or checked as luggage, your Milk Stork cooler AND your breast milk will be inspected by TSA and may also be X-rayed. If you’re toting your breast milk internationally, it is your responsibility to research and comply with each country’s airport and security agency regulations for traveling with breast milk.